Thursday, August 30, 2012

React, Interact & Respond

Think back and remember…

-      The day your 1st child was born…when you saw that baby…you just had to hold them in your arms…

-      The day you met your wife/husband…those butterflies in your stomach after seeing them for the first time. 

-      Your first crush…leaving the house looking extra special in hopes you would see them that day… How did you get their attention?

-      Your first job interview…the nerves you had…and how you got through it.

These are all encounters you had with someone that is or was important to you.

If you do not have an intimate relationship with God, you are missing the reason for Jesus’ coming.  He did not die just to save you from sin.  This is selfish thinking! 

Yes, I’ll believe Jesus died on the cross if it saves me from eternal life in hell.”

God sent His Son Jesus to repair the relationship that was broken in the Garden of Eden between Himself and man.

In Matthew 27:51, the bible describes how the veil of the temple tore from the top to the bottom.  This was extremely significant because the only people who were allowed behind that veil were priests and Levites who prepared themselves to enter into the presence of God.  That access is now granted to everyone.

God gave me three words for you:

Whenever you are in the presence of the only true living God (be it in church, during prayer service, bible study or in any situation), there should be some type of reaction from you. 

When you had that encounter with that special someone in your life, you had a reaction.  If you are not reacting to God, you have yet to have an encounter with God.

Interact with Him.  God’s presence calls for fellowship with Him.  He’s not present just to be present.  He wants to spend time with you and you NEED to spend time with Him.

How did you get to know your son/daughter, wife/husband or that school crush?  You spent time with them.  True, quality time with them.

Respond to God through your faith.
Respond to God with obedience.
Respond to God through your actions. – pray, study, praise, worship, witness

Remember that school crush?  When messages between the two of you were passed along through your friends?

Well, God gave me a message for you:  He loves you.  He wants you to get to know Him.  He wants you to react, interact and respond.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Fill 'Er Up

If I were to ask you why you visit the gas station, most people would say “to fill up the gas tank” but in actuality you’re going to the gas station because you have things to do and places to go.  I’m sure you could find alternative methods for achieving your plans for the day, but it is so much easier to just fill the tank.  And God forbid, you tried to go about it on E.  You’re constantly worried you would actually make it because you may run out of gas and get stranded on the way.

Friends, I must tell you it is time for you to fill your tank.  God has things for you to do and places for you to go.  Make it easier on yourself and start the day with prayer.  Sing praises to God and allow Him to fill your spirit EVERYDAY.

Being filled makes it much easier to operate in His perfect will.  Being filled helps you deal with that annoying co-worker, a defiant child or that driver on the road.  Being filled helps you to see things, people and circumstances from God’s perspective – knowing He has complete control over every situation.  Being filled helps you to recognize spirits that may have been assigned to destroy you and your witness.

If you should suddenly find yourself stranded from trying to make it on empty, our God is like having AAA.  Just give Him a call and help is on the way.  There is one catch: the benefits of AAA are restricted to its members.  Accessibility to our Heavenly Father is only possible by accepting His offering of love thought the blood of Jesus Christ.  How hard is it to accept an offering of love?  Do it today and you too can have access to all the benefits, rewards and promises of our God in Heaven.

Got a story of how you were caught running on E?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

I Wanna Be Clean

I wrote this a few years ago, but had yet to post it here.  Enjoy...

The other day my three year old ventured off into the bathroom and got friendly with a bottle of shampoo. After she started to play in it, she tried to get it off her hands by wiping it on her chest. She repeated this process until she was completely covered from head to toe in a slimy white film. At that point, she emerged from the bathroom and said “mommy, I wanna be clean”. After laughing at the site of her, I gave her a bath (for the second time that evening), cleaned up her mess and laid her in her bed. Then I thought about her choice of words…she didn’t say “help me” or “look what I did mommy”…she said “I wanna be clean.”
You know sometimes we get so involved in our sinful lifestyles that our hearts become covered with a filthy layer of sin and no matter what we try to do to clean ourselves up; we fall back into the same situation or make matters worse. Have you ever heard someone say they will start going to church when they get their lives together? That is impossible! The only thing capable of cleansing us from all unrighteousness is the blood of Christ. God will wash us in that blood, clean up our mess and give us rest. Why not take advantage of it?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Dear God;

Please forgive me for not keeping you 1st in my life.  Forgive me for not being half as faithful to you as you have been to me.  Forgive me for seeking to please men rather than pleasing you.  YOU God are my 1st love.  And if I should ever need to be reminded, I will reflect on who you are.

If you have ever prayed this prayer or need to be reminded who God has been to you, PLAY THIS NOW!!!!