Thursday, August 9, 2012

I Wanna Be Clean

I wrote this a few years ago, but had yet to post it here.  Enjoy...

The other day my three year old ventured off into the bathroom and got friendly with a bottle of shampoo. After she started to play in it, she tried to get it off her hands by wiping it on her chest. She repeated this process until she was completely covered from head to toe in a slimy white film. At that point, she emerged from the bathroom and said “mommy, I wanna be clean”. After laughing at the site of her, I gave her a bath (for the second time that evening), cleaned up her mess and laid her in her bed. Then I thought about her choice of words…she didn’t say “help me” or “look what I did mommy”…she said “I wanna be clean.”
You know sometimes we get so involved in our sinful lifestyles that our hearts become covered with a filthy layer of sin and no matter what we try to do to clean ourselves up; we fall back into the same situation or make matters worse. Have you ever heard someone say they will start going to church when they get their lives together? That is impossible! The only thing capable of cleansing us from all unrighteousness is the blood of Christ. God will wash us in that blood, clean up our mess and give us rest. Why not take advantage of it?

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