Friday, April 24, 2015

Belief in Prosperity Teaching Never Prospers

The belief that you would prosper as the result of a financial gift to a ministry is dangerous.  Its focus is not on salvation or promoting the Kingdom of God, rather it is a doctrine that feeds on selfishness and greed.  Ask yourself, "what would Jesus do?"  The Son of God was more interested in saving souls and delivering people from their sins vs earthly possessions.  He was more interested in doing the will of the Father even when it meant sacrificing His life.  While Jesus was in the wilderness, Satan offered Him the world and He turned him down.

Now don't get me wrong of course God wants the best for us, but more importantly our heavenly Father's will is that our SOUL prosper in Him and that we be declared as one of His own.  Christianity is a self-less way of life.  It is the practice of serving God and others in the name of Jesus.  I can tell you first hand that when you receive an assignment from God to serve His people, there is no greater reward.  You don't care about money or recognition.  You are satisfied by being used for His purpose.

Nowhere in the bible will you read about the chosen men of God and their possessions. Perhaps some of them were wealthy and lived in beautiful mansions with a multitude of servants but it was never mentioned because it was not important.  What matters most is the growth and transformation of the believer and the desire to see others grow and transform as well.  

Ask yourself, does my church teach me...
to have a relationship with God though Jesus Christ?
to live righteously?
about having compassion for others?
about using my gifts in ministry?

If you answered YES to all these questions, you are in the right place!  If you don't know the answers, I pray that you find a place that does the above.  Only then will you truly prosper.

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