Friday, June 4, 2010

The Bully

If you've ever been bullied, you know it's a humiliating experience. You get teased, talked about, taunted and in extreme cases – physically attacked by your bully.

I don't know how kids handle bullies today, but back in the day you showed up with your big brother/sister/cousin to handle your bully for you. As long as you stood behind your big brother/sister/cousin, the tables were turned. You may have even done some taunting yourself by sticking out your tongue or giving a shout of "Now What?!?" toward your bully. All of a sudden that bully doesn't appear to be as bad as you thought. Your big brother/sister/cousin just might even beat up your bully, make him/her cry and take back anything they may have stolen from you.

But it wasn't over was it? Because once that bully caught you alone by yourself, there was hell to pay. If only you could take your big brother/sister/cousin everywhere you went, your bully would do you no harm.

My friend, Satan is our bully. He taunts us, picks on us and for some – he physically attacks. But I have to tell you, his bark is much bigger than his bite.

We have a big brother and friend in Jesus. As long as you stand behind Him, you are protected. When you live according to God's will by following Christ, you are protected. Don't get caught by trying to do things on your own or living by your rules instead of yielding to God's. Your bully (Satan) will find you and beat you up. Stay close to God and He will take care of you.

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