Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Bigger They Are, The Harder They Fall

I like many have been intrigued by the Bishop Eddie Long scandal. Guilty or innocent, he is caught up in a BIG mess!

Twenty years ago, I was once a member of the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church when Eddie Long was "Pastor". It was a small 300 member congregation with a new pastor who was humble, hungry for God and passionate about saving young Black men. His commitment was also displayed by his adoption of a seemingly lost and troubled preteen named Eric.

Pastor Long was involved, approachable and compassionate. He attended church picnics and visited the sick & shut in. I remember the gatherings he held for us youth in his home where he listened to our stories and played football with the fellas in the backyard. I loved him because of the heart and passion he had for saving our youth. Some of us were troubled, but despite our faults he was committed to us and it showed.

 Somewhere along the way, the church grew. The "Pastor" is now a "Bishop"; the 300 is now 25,000; the church is now a cathedral; and a shy, humble man is now a celebrity. It's impossible to approach him without going through a long list of assistants. Seemingly, he no longer has time for "the little people."

After the scandal broke, I received phone calls and emails asking for my opinion of what happened. One friend asked "why do you think God is allowing this to happen to him?" Hmm….now there's a thought. As I pondered on that, I remembered 20 years ago EVERYTHING was all about God and the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus was the center of the ministry of New Birth. But today, there may be more images of "Bishop" Long than Jesus. People may now be attending New Birth because of the Pastor and not the Master.

Make no mistake, for as long as I can remember Eddie Long has worn tight muscle shirts and was always obsessively concerned with his appearance. From what I've witnessed through the recent toupee and the photos of muscle shots that attitude has not changed. Personally, I don't think there is anything wrong with being concerned about your appearance, but when that outlook becomes pride and vanity – "Houston, we have a problem!"

I have been in the church all my life and there is one thing I know to be true: Whenever a man (or woman) of God allows himself (or herself) to be elevated by the people of God they will fall. And can I tell you, the higher that pedestal the greater the descent. God himself warned us He is a jealous God and NO ONE is to come before Him. When will we learn? How many Pastors, Bishops and Televangelists have to go through this before we get the point? God is 2nd to none! The most troubling thing of all is after the fall, the pride of the leader prevents him or her from realizing the source of all their troubles. Their arrogance blinds them from the fact that their "trial" or "storm" is actually a consequence of their own selfish, stubborn and foolish pride. REPENT and HUMBLE YOURSELF man or woman of God before the Master destroys you!

Please be in prayer for Eddie Long and Preachers, Teachers, Evangelists and leaders everywhere. There is a greater responsibility, accountability and consequence to those who are entrusted with being the shepherds of God's sheep. When those shepherds lead God's people astray they are accountable for each of those souls that are lost because of their actions. And for those of you who can't see the cross because your focus is on your pastor, how lost will you be when they fall.

Be Blessed!

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