Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What A Mess!

I was driving down the street on my way to somewhere and I passed the biggest construction mess I have ever seen in my life. Dirt, cement, mud and rocks everywhere! The trucks were holding up traffic and I’m sure the sight of it was an eyesore for the neighbors.

Then I realized; once the all the work is complete and the construction site is cleared, something brand new and spectacular will appear.

If your life is a mess right now it is possible that you are under construction. Whenever there is a construction project there is a strong chance for delays. However, there are some projects that are completed ahead of schedule. Don’t wander around in the desert for 40 years like the Israelites. Submit to the will of God and His plan for your life. The timeliness of your success is a direct reflection of your spiritual obedience.

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