Monday, July 16, 2012

I Love My Life!

One afternoon, I spotted my 8yr old daughter spinning happily in the living room, dancing to the music bopping around in her head. “I love my life!” she shouted. We had recently moved to a new city to live with my sister. We left behind our very own place (where my daughter had her own room with plenty of space to play) and traded it for a spot on the couch in a tiny apartment. Yet, there she was loving her life. She had no idea about the pressures of life, the struggle to pay bills or my concern for securing employment.

I looked at her in all her happiness and joy then asked the question: “how can she be so happy with all that’s going on?” God answered: “because her needs are met.” Immediately, I felt the Holy Spirit check me. What am I stressed out about? My needs are met. Despite being unemployed we didn’t have to sleep in the street or at a shelter, we had food to eat, clothes to wear, a car to drive and our health. Praise God! Our needs are met.

Whatever you’re going through, praise God and be thankful. Your needs are met. Love life and the time you’re given on this earth. Make every moment count in the midst of your circumstances and be productive. Even during your trials God is up to something. Trust Him!

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