Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Is God Your Genie?

Many times I have heard a prayer from a pastor, evangelist, deacon, etc. that include phrases asking God to "touch RIGHT NOW", "bless RIGHT NOW", "heal RIGHT NOW", "name it and claim it"...in the name of Jesus.  They boss God around as though He were a genie waiting around to grant our wishes.  This my friends is a dangerous assumption.

For those of us who have kids, can you imagine your child being given everything they ask for?  Most of their requests would ruin them (candy, fast food, unlimited freedom and life without boundaries).  The best of parents do everything they can to protect their children by establishing rules and expectations for them to follow...rewarding them for their efforts and accomplishments and setting consequences when they disobey.  All because we love them and we want them to grow to become successful in life.

Our Father in Heaven does the same for us.  He loves us and has given us His word to live by.  The scripture is full of rules, expectations, promises and rewards.  And when we disobey...consequences.

Make no mistake; although we are His children, our purpose on earth is to "serve" our God.  We are to surrender our lives to Him to be used for His purpose. We serve an "If" and "Then" God. 

"IF my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; THEN will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." - 2 Cor 7:14

But...(IF)... seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and... (THEN)...all these things shall be added unto you. - Matt 6:33

Take notice God is not requesting a deed for a reward, rather He is calling for a change in your lifestyle.  Beware of pastors that tell you if you give $10 today, God will give you $100 tomorrow.  God doesn't work that way.

Do you only attend church, pray or read your bible when your situation gets desperate?  "Serving" God daily in everything we do is like studying in school.  If you study habitually, there are no worries when you show up to class and the teacher announces there will be a pop quiz.  You're confident you will do well because you studied.

If you didn't figure it out by now, let me be the first to tell you life is full of "pop quizzes."  Live righteously and believe without a doubt that God will take care of the rest.

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