Monday, October 15, 2012

The Battle May Be Over But The War Is Not

Let me explain...

Any veteran can tell you when you're in a war, you fight several battles within the war.  Sometimes there are moments of peace and then BAM! just like that, you're fighing a battle.  Sometimes you're sleeping and then BAM! just like that, your enemy has executed a well planned sneak attack against you.  Sometimes you're just trying to eat your dinner and then BAM! just like that, a sniper attack.

In life we will face several battles.  Some we will win and some we will lose.  There may be times where we will be forced to retreat and regroup then return to battle restored, prepared and ready to fight.  Other times we will face battles that seem to be neverending.

Whatever the case may be, YOU HAVE THE ADVANTAGE.
Your resources are unlimited and your weapons are more powerful.  Some battles aren't even meant for you to fight but to simply STAND.

Those of us who walk with God have the power of Jesus Christ to win EVERY battle but sometimes our humanity gets in the way.  Sometimes we panic, lose focus and forget WHOSE we are.  It happens.

Battles come and go but the war won't end until Christ's return.
If you don't want to go through life being defeated LEARN to use your weapons, PRACTICE using your weapons so you can master them, then USE YOUR WEAPONS!

Next time I'll tell you what those weapons are.  Stay tuned...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Consequences, Tests & Attacks

Whenever you find yourself going through a tough time it's important to ask yourself this question: Is this a consequence of something I did?
If the answer is no, then you are either being tested or you are under attack. In either scenario it's important to ask God this question: Lord, what are
you trying to teach me?

Be grateful you have a Father in Heaven who loves you enough to chastise you when you do wrong. Have you ever observed a child who has never been disciplined? It's really sad. They are all over the place going through life with no sense of direction or self control. Although I hate to admit it, I am sincerely grateful for those butt whippings I received.

These are necessary for God to move us to the next level. In school, you usually don't advance from one grade level to the next without having passed your final exam. The same is true in Christian living. God is trying to move you into a new place in Him but first we must prove we are worthy and capable enough to handle what He has in store for us. PAY ATTENTION and do what you need to do to pass this test. You DO NOT want to keep taking the same test over and over.

Since Satan has to have God's permission to mess with you, there must be a reason He's allowing an attack. Sometimes we know the reasons and sometimes we never understand why God would allow such things to happen to us. In any case, have peace in knowing that God in His infinite wisdom has our best interest in mind.

For whatever reason, I have been compelled to blog about "going through." There is so much I have to say on this so I think I'll break it up over the next few weeks.

Be encouraged. These messages are for you! Stay tuned...

Monday, October 1, 2012

Going Through

Here is another I wrote a few years ago & had yet to post it here.  Enjoy...
I am inspired to post this blog for all of my friends who are “going through.”  For one, the loss of a loved one; another…a desert experience:  and another…financial burdens.

I am reminded of Tommy Tinney’s story of his daughter in the elevator.  She started to get nervous as the elevator became crowded because her view was obstructed.  She stretched forth her arms toward her father and said…”daddy pick me up, I can’t see from here.”  Tommy Tinney reached down to pick up his daughter and she was immediately comforted.  Take note: although her circumstances remained the same, she was able to see from a better view.

When you are going through, try focusing on your blessings vs. your situations.  If God never does another thing for you… you my friend have been blessed.  You ARE blessed.  Thank God for the “little” things because someone, somewhere is wishing they had your blessings.  Someone, somewhere would trade places with you in a heartbeat. 

When “going through”, I tend to view things in the spiritual realm.  Realizing where my true home is, I don’t really care what happens to me in the physical as I am no longer “of the world” I am in it.  I remember a conversation I had with a friend when I was struggling to pay a bill and she asked me a question that remained with me to this day…

”Do you know WHOSE you are?”… 
“Yes” was my reply …
“Then why are you worrying about HOW you’re going to pay your bill?”

I think that was the last time I worried about anything.

Try to focus on the outcome of your trials rather than the “going through.”  Bury yourself in the Word to remind yourself of God’s promises.  He does not lie, and He will honor His word.

You know people give Satan too much credit.  God is in control.  If you belong to God, don’t you know Satan must seek permission to “mess” with you?  God is in control.  If He is allowing you to “go through” there must be a tremendous blessing waiting for you at the other end.

Don’t forget to PRAISE throughout the entire process.  The bible tells us God inhabits the praises of His people and as you read through the scriptures, you will find evidence of that in each battle the Israelites found themselves in.  In EVERYTHING, give thanks…
Thank you God for meeting my needs TODAY.
Thank you God for my health and strength.
Thank you God for my place of employment.
Thank you God for my family.
Thank you God for waking me up TODAY.
Thank you God for saving a wretch like me.
 Recommended Readings:
·         1 Thessalonians 5 (remember WHO’S you are)
·         Numbers 11 – (a lesson about complaining)
·         Praising the Hell Out of Yourself – Dr. George McCalep Jr.
·         God Chasers – by Tommy Tinney