Monday, October 15, 2012

The Battle May Be Over But The War Is Not

Let me explain...

Any veteran can tell you when you're in a war, you fight several battles within the war.  Sometimes there are moments of peace and then BAM! just like that, you're fighing a battle.  Sometimes you're sleeping and then BAM! just like that, your enemy has executed a well planned sneak attack against you.  Sometimes you're just trying to eat your dinner and then BAM! just like that, a sniper attack.

In life we will face several battles.  Some we will win and some we will lose.  There may be times where we will be forced to retreat and regroup then return to battle restored, prepared and ready to fight.  Other times we will face battles that seem to be neverending.

Whatever the case may be, YOU HAVE THE ADVANTAGE.
Your resources are unlimited and your weapons are more powerful.  Some battles aren't even meant for you to fight but to simply STAND.

Those of us who walk with God have the power of Jesus Christ to win EVERY battle but sometimes our humanity gets in the way.  Sometimes we panic, lose focus and forget WHOSE we are.  It happens.

Battles come and go but the war won't end until Christ's return.
If you don't want to go through life being defeated LEARN to use your weapons, PRACTICE using your weapons so you can master them, then USE YOUR WEAPONS!

Next time I'll tell you what those weapons are.  Stay tuned...

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